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English for tea art:【红茶茶艺】第二道:喜遇知音

2012-12-04 00:00:00


相传祝英台是一位好学不倦的女子,她摆脱了封建世俗的偏见和家庭的束缚,乔装成男子前往杭州求学。在途中她与梁山伯相遇,他们一见如故,义结金兰,就好比茶人看到了好茶一样,一见钟情,一往情深。今天我们为大家冲泡的是产于安徽省的祁门红茶和印度大吉岭红茶,啊萨姆红茶以及斯里兰卡红茶并称为世界四大名红茶。这种红茶曾风靡世界,在国际上被称为“灵魂之饮”,请各位仔细观赏干茶的外形。ln the legend, Zhu Yingtai was a girl who never tired of studying. ln order to overcome family bondage and gender discrimination against girls in feudal society, she put on men's clothes and went to a Hangzhou school. On the way she met and fell in love with Liang Shanbo. The first sight love, just like when tea lovers discover a fine tea. Today, l'm going to make the keemun Black Tea from Assam tea and Sri Lanka's Uva Tea are believed to be the world's best four major black teas. This kind of black tea, also known as "the soul beverage", has gained great popularity in the world. Now, please take a good look at the dry tea.