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English for tea art:【大红袍茶艺】第二十四道:领略岩韵

2013-04-15 00:00:00


English for tea art:【大红袍茶艺】第二十四道:领略岩韵

Experiencing the rock flavour


The Big Red Robe geows on the Danxia Landform, where the rocks are exposed to sun shine and eolian processes, and the tea thus has the features and spirits of the rock. As you enjoy body has already been activated by the previous two rounds of tea. with this third round of tea, your tongue restores its ability to taste what is truly sweet, your thhth and gum restore their ability to savor what is truly rich,and your throat restores its ability to experience what is truly smooth. your arteries are all relaxed and extended to allow blood flow in your veins with a rhythm, and you may sweat a little or feel high like an immortal. Such incredible feelings of wellbeing and of the union of mind and heart are in fact the spirits of the rock.